Christa Cooper

Christa Cooper

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#TryItTuesday w/ The Delaware Department of Highway Safety

As part of Child Passenger Safety Week we have partnered with The Delaware Office of Highway Safety to promote a free event to make sure children are safely secured in their car seats, and caregivers have the confidence to install those seats independently. I did my best at attempting to install a car seat myself, being a mom of two you would think I have this down but you would be surprised to know, more than half of car seats are installed incorrectly! That is SO scary so it's important to know you have help with the Delaware Department of Highway Safety. It was a pleasure working with Aubrey and learning some tips and tricks to insuring you are installing your seats correctly.

On Saturday, September 25, you are invited to stop by Christiana Hospital's Newark Campus for their free our Seat Check Saturday event. From 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. , certified child passenger safety technicians will help families correctly install car seats and booster seats. The technicians will also help register attendee's child safety seats, and check if the seats have been part of a recall or if they have expired.

If you are unable to come to this event, you can schedule a one-on-one in-person or virtual seat check, just visit

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