Diet Mistakes That Could Cause Weight Gain

Tired of trying to shed a few pounds from dieting only to find the quick fix you were trying didn’t work? It would be great if drinking skinny tea or taking a magical fat-burning supplement actually gave us weight loss results that last, but in real life, it’s not that easy. But you know what works? Putting in the work over months and sticking with the right HEALTHY eating plan. Registered dietitians see clients try diets that won’t help them lose weight and could actually lead to weight gain and they say these are the biggest dieting mistakes to avoid.

  • Eliminating food groups or foods you love -Banning foods you love, like carbs, bread, sugar, or alcohol can leave you feeling deprived and that can lead to overindulging later. Registered dietitian Lauren Smith warns that “cutting out entire food groups sets you up for failure” because you “always want what you can’t have.”
  • Not eating enough for too long- Not only does it make you feel hungry and irritable, registered dietician Rachel Stahl explains that it can send signals to your body to conserve calories, which lowers metabolism, which makes weight loss even more challenging.
  • Eating little during the day and binging at night- Some people try to restrict and don’t each much during the day, which can make them overeat later. It’s better to spread out your calories so you don’t feel famished and overdo it in one sitting.
  • Not eating enough healthy fats -Healthy fats like avocado, fish, nuts, and olive oil are packed with nutrients and eating too little of them can leave you hungry since fat is satiating.
  • Eating diet foods -Foods listed as “low-fat” or “no sugar” may have fewer calories, but they’re often made with added preservatives, salt, and sugar to make up for the flavor, plus they don’t always satisfy.
  • Not choosing a sustainable way of eating -Bottom line? Diets just don’t work. It’s impossible to stick to drastic calorie cutting and avoiding foods that you love for the long term. So instead find ways to reduce calories without feeling deprived, like eating more fruits and veggies and finding a healthier alternative to some of your less-healthy recipes.


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