Tips on Feeling Fuller After Meals

Dieting is one way to shed a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, but there are lots of other ways to do it without having to avoid entire food groups or count calories. It’s all about feeling full and satisfied, which you can do by eating more foods with a lower calorie density, like vegetables, fruits, and yogurt. These other tips can help you eat less and fill up, too.

  • Grin yourself thin- Researchers in Brazil have found that serotonin - the “happy hormone” reduces appetite and higher levels of it make you more likely to burn fat.
  • Eat with your other hand- Using your non-dominant hand forces you to be mindful while you eat and you’ll probably end up eating less, just make sure you have plenty of napkins because you may be messy.
  • Use a cheat plate- Some people love the Portion Plate because it divides the sections for meat (a quarter of the plate), whole grains (another quarter) and fruits and veggies (the other half of the plate) so getting the proper portion is easier.
  • Brew up dessert- When you’re craving a sweet treat after a meal, try some tea instead. Herbal options like lemon ginger and hibiscus have a little sweetness that can satisfy your craving without all the empty calories.
  • Be an early bird- A study from Northwestern University found that late risers eat more calories and don’t eat as healthily as the early risers who get up around 8 a.m.
  • Go avocado -Along with its heart-healthy fats, avocados are packed with fiber that helps keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Source: Men's Health

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